Saturday, August 31, 2019

Recursion Generating Sub String Given a String.

I was hitting my hard for  the past 24 hours to generate sub strings out of a string. I am not particular ly good at programming(its a gift given to only few) but the kick to think hard enough about a problem is something fulfilling and satisfying. Here is the code below to generate sub strings out of a string in the order  of the string.

public class Program
        static String OPEN_BRACKET = "{";
        static String CLOSED_BRACKET = "}";
        static String EMPTY_STRING = "";
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Your code goes here
            Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
        public static void recur(String s, int index, String out1,int StartPos)
            if (s.Length==out1.Replace("{","").Replace("}","").Length)

        int cntr=1;
for (int j = index;j<s.Length ; j++)
String sub_str = OPEN_BRACKET + s.Substring(StartPos, cntr)
recur(s, j + 1, out1 + sub_str,j+1);